Charley G

Now this sexy woman is an internationally published glamour model, you've seen her in Nuts, Mayfair and Score and no doubt you've seen her shaking a phone on TV. I'm talking about the amazing Charley G. 

JJ: Welcome to Inside the Porn. I'm excited to interview someone who is always so smiley. 

So tell me how did you get into the industry? 

Charley: I started modelling when I was 19, I had been a very chubby teenager and after a few remarks I decided to lose weight; 2 stone in total even after my weight loss I still had very large boobs so I thought why the hell not! I had two friends already in the industry who helped and guided me along the way. I guess it had always appealed me to from a young age. I've been in this industry for almost 7 years now its been easy to grow within the "adult" side as the work is offered daily and the money is awfully good.

JJ: All those people who remarked about you being chubby will be kicking themselves now when they see what changes you've made and how successful you've become. 

What's the best thing about the industry? 

Charley: The Money! I thankfully have earned well over the years but I think so far the most enjoyable part of being in this industry is meeting so many different people, making friends, travelling the world and being my own boss!

JJ: The money is amazing but I'm glad that you see more value in the people and the travelling. 

What's the worst thing about the industry? 

Charley: The industry is certainly not made for people without a backbone or quite a hard head, there's been many occasions I've wanted to throw my hands up and say "Fuck you" to it all, models, photographers, studio owners even make up artists can be rude, belittling and arrogant as can the fans. You can easily get swallowed up it in all and spat back out again. its hard not to get wrapped up in the "Glamour" life but its important to keep a level head! People think they can take advantage thats not fun.

JJ: You've got a great handle on the industry. You're someone people could learn a lot from. 

What's the funniest thing to happen to you whilst working? 

Charley: I dont know if its funny or embarrassing really, but on a amateur photo shoot we were doing some location shots in a run down old building that was covered in graffiti the pics were great! I have given you one so you can see and put it on here, towards the end of the shoot two Police officers came around the corner looking awfully awkward ! They came to check it out every now and then, they said because it can be a place for youngsters to come and cause trouble, instead of catching some teens with WKD and a pack of Mayfair cigs I was caught posing NAKED in red stripper heels ! They were polite and told us to be careful and that we should probably move on soon!

JJ: That's brilliant. I love that the police were so laid back about it though. Then again who wouldn't be haha. 

What are you doing work wise at the moment? 

Charley: I am currently still shooting for websites and amateur photographers, web camming and doing some weekends on the babe channels.

JJ: Where can people find you online? 

Charley: Google me I'm literally everywhere but I'm on Twitter @charleyg90 which has links to things like Adultwork and clips4sale 

JJ: I have to say people should really go and buy some of your clips on clips4sale. They are amazing and well worth it. 

What's the best thing about sex? 

Charley: Orgasms! obviously haha. What more can you want?? 

JJ: What really turns you on? 

Charley: Nipple sucking! im putty in your hands!

JJ: Haha well I'll make a mental note of that just in case the occasion ever arises haha.

My favourite question, what's your favourite film? 

Charley: Avengers assemble, Snatch, and most of the Will Smith movies!

JJ: I can see you're a big action fan. That's my kind of woman. Not afraid to see something explode haha. 

Where do you like to go on holiday? 

Charley: I love to go to Florida without question. It has it all. 

JJ: I'm going to Florida in August again, I'm really excited. 

Tell me one thing about yourself that I wouldn't know just by looking at you? 

Charley: This is a hard one, there's not a lot people dont know. I like cleaning ALOT lol 

JJ: Well you can work out your need to clean at my house anytime haha. 

What's been your biggest achievement in life or work so far? 

Charley: For work I have been incredibly proud of my publications, The Daily Sport, Mayfair, Nuts, Zoo and some magazines internationally, particularly Score magazine in America. 

JJ: I can see why you'd be proud of those because they are some big publications. 

What's been the hardest thing for you to overcome? 

Charley: Battling with depression, I always thought it was a made up condition that people used to excuse themselves  from working or covering up there miserable personality. When I realised I was suffering from it it took me a good year to overcome it and I was pleased to have battled it without any medication (Thanks to a friend who told me to stay well away from them) I believe its made me a nicer more positive person. 

JJ: I know all about that battle with depression too and like you was told to stay away from medication. It was a hard fight so I have a lot of respect for you. 

What's the best thing a fan has ever done for you? 

Charley: Gifts and Money have always been extremely appreciated.

JJ: What's one piece of advice you'd give to someone getting into the adult industry? 

Charley: Dont go in blind. dont be naive. its a tough industry and it will take advantage of you if you let it!

JJ: Great advice. People need to definitely heed that advice. 

What do you think you'll do once you leave the industry? 

Charley: I haven't quite made up my mind on that one but it is something I've been thinking about a lot recently. I said when I started in this industry I would stop at 30, dont know why but thats my limit. I have 5 years left! I adore animals dogs in particular (I have 4!) Dog training maybe dog grooming? I have considered becoming an emergency ambulance crew member! we'll see, maybe i'll just open up a sunbed shop haha 

JJ: Well in the future I'll either be buying a dog or visiting a suntan shop a lot haha. 

Finally, what's the weirdest rumour you've heard about yourself? 

Charley: That I was an Escort, there's nothing wrong with being an escort but I just don't do it.  

JJ: Well each to their own, but if you're not an escort people shouldn't be saying you are. It can work against you in a big way. 

It's been an absolute pleasure interviewing you and I can't wait to see even more of you this year. 

Foxy Cherry

Well this is one of the sexiest escorts I know. She has everything you'd hope for in a woman and she's revealing more about herself here just for you. Let me introduce Foxy Cherry. 

JJ: Morning Foxy, welcome to Inside the Porn. It's a pleasure to have you with us today. 

What got you into the industry? 

Foxy: I had a terrible job at the time. I would say minimum wage but the reason I left was because I ended up chasing my pay and in a panic to pay the rent. They had no good reason and trying to solve the problem was just a wild goose chase. On top of that I had to get up at six every morning to get the bus and it was horrible weather and not an easy commute. Life revolved around chasing money and everything seemed like it was moving backwards. A friend suggested escorting and I thought I'm so fed up of this life and I never was into office life or marriage and kids. It's a job I knew that not everyone can do but until I try how do I know what it's like to work as an escort.

JJ: Well escorting certainly beats the minimum wage rat race. Plus a lot more fun haha. 

What's the best thing about the industry? 

Foxy: Where do I start. You are always meeting people into different fetishes and role plays, which I love. You get to work the hours you want and the best part, you get paid doing what you love best!

JJ: Well when you put it like that it is the best job ever haha. 

What's the worst thing about the industry? 

Foxy: It can be nerve racking as you don't know who you are going to meet and it's an intimate experience. 

JJ: I can imagine that feeling keeps it interesting though. I'm sure the guys are feeling like that just 10 times worse haha. 

What's the funniest thing to happen to you whilst working? 

Foxy: Put it like this you want to watch where you aim that thing otherwise you will be hobbling around the bed room searching for tissues and the freedom of sight.

JJ: Haha I imagine that happens a lot, maybe time for goggles haha

What are you doing at the moment work wise? 

Foxy: I'm working as an escort through Adultwork at the moment. 

JJ: Where can people find you online? 

JJ: Well now guys know where to get hold of you and they should definitely treat themselves to a visit with you 

What's the best thing about sex? 

Foxy: That depends what mood I am in and what situation but generally I like a good seeing to like anyone else!

JJ: and what really turns you on? 

Foxy: I love a guy who goes down on me and knows how to use his tongue.

JJ: Sorry I missed that answer I was doing my tongue exercises. What did you say?? Haha. 

My favourite question, what's your favourite film? 

Foxy: I love Fight Club and Amelie 

JJ: Wow you couldn't have chosen two more contrasting films. I like that you have such broad tastes 

Where do you like to go on holiday? 

Foxy: I love Italy in general but I would love to travel more with my work and in general.

JJ: I love Italy. I'm a big fan of Rome. I'm
Sure more travelling is on the cards for you. 

Tell me one thing about yourself I wouldn't know just by looking at you? 

Foxy: I'm a bit of a tom boy as much as I like to look the part. I would much rather read Mojo than any girly mags. Same goes for films I'm more than happy to watch something with a good story line that has some gore and violence. 
I also love different genres of music, reggae, pop, indie, rock and lots of old music that never gets enough attention, like Frank Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald. They don't make them like that any more and it's ashame because so much talent is lost in this generation, all because of mass advertising. It's like few singers have an identity anymore as corporations decide what's supposedly hot and what's not, with no attention to talent or originality.  I could write endlessly but I don't want to bore people.

I like art and paint when I find the time. It's a problem as I like to zone out for hours when I paint and it's rarely possible. 

JJ: Those are the kind of things people love to read about. You've got a lot of things that make you even more awesome.  

What's your biggest achievement in life or work so far? 

Foxy: My degree. I still have so much to achieve and I'm Thirty! Work wise I'm proud of all my lovely reviews.

JJ: Well getting a degree is hard work and always good to have. And I'm not surprised you get great reviews because you really know what you're doing haha. 

What's been the most challenging thing you've had to overcome? 

Foxy: Life in general has many ups and downs and it's all about keeping the positive momentum going. Whether it is the past or present. Dwell on the past and you'll find yourself moving backwards. Always look to the future.

JJ: That's a brilliant way to live your life and I agree with that completely and definitely how I try to live my life. 

What's the best thing a fan has done for you? 

Foxy: Not sure I would call them fans but it's always appreciated when a gift is received. Whether its flowers, perfume or a nice bottle of something.

JJ: Well I'm sure you've got some fans from Twitter. They love a gorgeous woman on there. 

What's one bit of advice you'd give someone getting into the industry now? 

Foxy: Be safe and trust your instincts. Make sure you think of bad case scenarios and put things in place to avoid any unwanted problems. even something like an alarm can make a difference and give you peace of mind.

JJ: Great advice. Safety is and should always be your number one concern in this industry. 

What do you think you'll do once you leave the industry? 

Foxy: Who knows, right now I would like to be sat with a gorgeous cocktail, beautiful beach and lots of sexy people having fun. I would love to get into the porn industry, maybe a way to get there.

JJ: Well I'm sure if you want to get into porn you'll get there. It's all about networking and I'm sure that's easy for you. 

Finy, what's the weirdest rumour you've heard about yourself? 

Foxy: I can't say I have heard anything that strange about myself. I definitely don't have a third nipple.   

JJ: I'll have to have a quick inspection to confirm there is no third nipple so I'll finish the interview here so I can have a quick check

Thank you so much for being with me today for Inside the Porn. We look forward to you transitioning into porn. 

Richelle Ryan

Well to continue with the drop dead sexy women, today I'm interviewing someone who is sexier than the majority of people on the planet, she's also possibly the biggest NY Giants fan ever!! She's the very sexy Richelle Ryan. 

JJ: Hi Richelle, welcome to Inside the Porn. It's a pleasure to have you with us today. 

How did you get into the industry? 

Richelle: I was working as a stripper and started watching a lot of porn and was intrigued by the industry. I wanted to fuck hot men and women and get paid for it. 

JJ: That's the best answer to that question ever. It's exactly why I wish I was a performer haha. 

What's the best thing about the industry?

Richelle:  Being able to have clean sex and explore all your fantasies in a safe environment, and of course getting all dolled up on set by some of the best hair/makeup artists. 

JJ: Well I would say they are certainly some of the perks of the job for sure. Although you don't need much dolling up as you're so naturally beautiful

What's the worst thing about the industry? 

Richelle: The demands others have on you. It can be a little draining. 

JJ: Everyone wants a bit o you in the industry. Even I'm guilty of adding to that by asking for interviews. 

What's the funniest thing to happen to you whilst working? 

Richelle: I was on set one time and a new girl went to go do her "girlie stuff" as we call it before a scene, she was shooting a anal scene and the director asked if she found the enema's in the bathroom... She said " Yea I drank 2 of them and nothing came out" I think it was dead silence for 5 minutes until all of us started laughing. 

JJ: Hahahaha that's the most brilliant story ever. I absolutely love it. 

What are you doing for work at the moment? 

Richelle: Still shooting, Feature Dancing 2-3 weekends out of the month, working on my new blog- my Big Butt Life 

JJ: And where can people find you online? 

Richelle: People can find me at: 
@twitter - Richelle Ryan, 
Facebook- RichelleRyanRocks, @instagram- RichelleRyan 

JJ: I'd suggest people go and follow all of those because your social media is amazing. You are committed to it. 

What's the best thing about sex? 

Richelle: All of it is amazing!!! Whats not to love? 

JJ: And what really turns you on? 

Richelle: I love tall men with muscles, good hygiene, tattoos, good kisser, hot girls with big booties 

JJ: you've just described me pretty much apart from the tall, muscles and tattoos bits or the hot girl but haha. 

What's your favourite movie? 

Richelle: Casino is my all time favorite movie 

JJ: I love Casino and I love Goodfellas too. Such amazing films that I could watch them over and over. 

Where do you like to go on holiday? 

Richelle: Somewhere warm with a beach and endless supply of strawberry dacquaries 

JJ: Now that sounds like my kind of holiday. When are we going?? Haha

Tell me one thing about yourself I wouldn't know just by looking at you? 

Richelle: I can be shy, takes a minute for me to come out of my shell 

JJ: I think people assume if you work in the adult industry you have to be super confident and outgoing but that's not the case a lot of the time. I've met a lot of shy people in the industry. It surprised me at first. 

What's been your biggest achievement in life or work so far? 

Richelle: Winning Adult Movie Feature Entertainer 2 times at the Exotic Dancer Awards

JJ: I can't think of anyone more deserving. You're amazing at what you do. 

What's been the biggest thing you've had to overcome? 

Richelle: Standing up for myself when it comes to work with my agents, It's always a challenge

JJ: It's something you have to conquer and it's obvious you've gotten good at it haha. 

What's the best thing a fan has ever done for you? 

Richelle: When they show up to support me on my dance bookings, best thing a fan can do! 

JJ: Well I imagine they enjoy coming to support you for those because you're so amazing at what you do. 

What's one piece of advice you'd give to someone getting into the industry? 

Richelle: If your going to get into it make sure you don't hide it from anyone in your family or friends, eventually they all will find out 

JJ: That's great advice. It's better to let people know shoe they don't get shocked, hurt or upset that you didn't or couldn't tell them. I'm sure they'd surprise you. 

What do you think you'll do once you leave the industry? 

Richelle: Hmmm...something involving my love of sports 

JJ: You totally should do something with your love of sports because you are a fanatic. I love that about you. It's awesome. 

Finally, what's the weirdest rumour you've heard about yourself? 

Richelle: Lord Jesus SOOOO many, I always think it's funny when people say that I'm a raciest... Couldn't be any further from the truth with me. I love everyone under the rainbow hahaha

JJ: Yeah I think when people start spreading rumours like that it's usually started from someone getting turned down haha. 

Thank you so much. It's amazing that you're as lovely as you are beautiful. Your fans are lucky to have someone as amazing as you to support and I look forward to even more of your work and hope we catch up again soon. 

Sybil Stallone

Well I've got the pleasure of interviewing one of the sexiest and naughtiest women in the industry she knows what she wants and she always gets it, she's one of the most business minded women I've had the pleasure of interviewing.  So I present to you the amazing Sybil Stallone

JJ: Hi Sybil, it's an absolute pleasure to have you with us at Inside the Porn. We've been excited to feature you for a while. 

How did you get into the industry? 

Sybil: I'm interested in money and sex, sometimes that involves a porn set but mostly the Hollywood Hills or flying the globe to market my brand. That's how and why I got into it really. 

JJ: well that's certainly a good reason to get into the industry. It's a great way to market yourself. 

What's the best thing about the industry? 

Sybil: I like professional agents, producers and directors who are on time, don’t cancel shoots and pay a fair rate.


JJ: What's the worst thing about the industry? 

Sybil: Porn is branding to me and is a way to find more target markets then passport stamps. Advertising agencies need to realize the integration of sex in marketing campaigns using performers in mainstream media in media buys such as commercials and online ad space. Sex sells: products, names, love, cars etc. And porn needs to incorporate mainstream brands to maintain the production value to pay performers and crew at rate similar to SAG-AFTRA. Legislation would not tried to be past to stop performing if major brands were consistently integrated as well as performers who have an online presence. Money from corporations controls legislation.

JJ: That's a very good point and hopefully in time we'll get to that point in the industry. 

What's the funniest thing to happen to you whilst working? 

Sybil: I have lost my voice a few times from saying my lines and one time had an asthma attack on set.

JJ: Wow, that's commitment to the craft losing your voice. I'm very impressed.

What are you doing work wise at the moment? 

Sybil: I haven't really been booked recently, so there aren't a lot scenes out there. Contact OC Modeling if you want to book me. I'm your favorite brunette barbie in social media. You can find me on recent TV and radio episodes on Playboy Plus, Stack Magazine, Show Magazine and some Bravo TV episodes.

JJ: Where can people find you online? 

Sybil: Thanks for the love and follow me on IG & Twitter: @SybilStallone. Check out my new site: or email me anytime

JJ: I'm sure people will get following you once they've read this interview and seen how amazing you are first hand. 


What's the best thing about sex?  

Sybil: Getting paid for it is certainly the best thing about it haha.

JJ: Well I imagine that is a pretty amazing thing. 

What really turns you on? 

Sybil: I like fast cars, food, humor, money, intelligence, and thick passports.

JJ: I'm sure there are people reading this who meet all of those things and will be looking to wine and dine you haha.

What's your favorite film?

Sybil: By The Sea by Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. I taught film history and worked in production: it is well composed and shows the complexity of love and loss on multiple levels.

JJ: I would struggle to keen anything from someone so beautiful. I'd be far too distracted haha. 

Where do you like to go on holiday?

Sybil: I'm I n Bali now, just left Australia. I travel a lot and collect art. I’m an executive flyer I have an upcoming shoot in Paris in a few weeks. I’ve been everywhere from Hong Kong to Moscow.

JJ: I can see why it's hard to pick a favorite when you've seen so much of the world. 

Tell me one thing about yourself that I wouldn't know just by looking at you? 

Sybil: I have a master’s degree, taught college and have my own company. I'm an intellect so you won't find me at Rhino on the pole. I never danced for a dollar but you will see me at banks making deposits. I love investing, real estate and travel. I am starting my new clothing line and you can see my brand sponsorships on social media. There are levels and quality. I like five star dinners with five star company. I like fast cars, food, travel and sex. Ferraris don't sit on Ford lots. 

JJ: Wow, that's a lot of stuff I wouldn't have ever guessed. It's great that you have brains and beauty and have such a switched on business mind. 

What's been your biggest achievement in life or work?

Sybil: Being able to take care of my family, volunteering for Volunteers of America and feeding the homeless in my spare time.

JJ: It's great you give back through volunteering. It's something more people should do.

What's been the challenging thing you've had to overcome? 

Sybil: I was the first to go to college, graduate school and pursue my dream as a model. Nothing is a challenge, it is a goal.

JJ: That's a great attitude. I might start to look at things like that a bit more. 

What's the best thing a fan has ever done for you? 

Sybil: The best thing a fan has ever done or can do is contact me on social media.

JJ: That's a great answer. Your fans will love to read that. 

What's one piece of advice you'd give to people getting into the industry? 

Sybil: Don't let anyone criticize you at any time, be confident. When you have self-esteem, you give yourself the audacity to dream big.

JJ: That's great advice. People should always dream big. 

What do you think you'll do once you leave the industry? 

Sybil: I want to get my PHD and continue to invest in real estate and possibly open a restaurant.

JJ: It sounds like you'll be just as busy once you leave the industry as you are in it.

Finally, what's the weirdest rumor you've ever heard about yourself? 

Sybil: I always hear about a new guy I’m dating. But sorry, I don’t kiss and tell.

JJ: Well that is intriguing and I'm sure the guys appreciate your privacy. 

It's been an absolute pleasure to interview you and we look forward to seeing more new stuff from you soon. 


Chrissy Daniels

This is my 100th interview and I picked someone who is not only sexy but loves what she does and is excited to give you guys a glimpse at the real woman. She's a horny minx that goes by the name Chrissy Daniels. 

JJ: Welcome to my 100th interview on Inside the Porn. I'm honoured to have you be my century. 

How did you get into the industry? 

Chrissy: Way back in 1998, I answered an ad online, looking for swimwear models at the beach. It paid an hourly rate plus photos and the swimsuits we shot in. My best friend and I went together and had a great time!

JJ: That sounds like that shoot had a lot of perks. Certainly a good reason to get into the industry. 

What's the best thing about the industry? 

Chrissy: I have the freedom to do what I want and explore my sexuality in a safe way.

JJ: That's a brilliant thing to be able to say about your job. I bet everyone reading wishes they could say the same. 

What's the worst thing about the industry? 

Chrissy: The bullshit and the piracy. It's by far the worst things about the industry. 

JJ: The sooner they crack down on piracy the better for everyone. The bullshit however isn't going anywhere unfortunately. It's the one ever present thing in the industry haha. 

What's the funniest thing to happen to you whilst working? 

Chrissy: Surprise squirters: Ladies who have no idea they can squirt. I love getting to be there when they find out that they can! Of course, I love making my friends cum. It's the best thing, ever.

JJ: A pleasant surprise I'm sure. I'm not surprised you live to make your friends cum. Can we be friends?? Haha. 

What are you doing work wise at the moment? 

Chrissy: I'm currently shooting scenes for my site, solo and girl-girl. I just started filming pegging scenes.

JJ: I'm sure we are all looking forward to seeing your new scenes. 

Where can people find you online? 

Chrissy: is my one and only website! I'm also on Twitter and Instagram @chrissy_daniels 

JJ: Well if you've got any sense guys you'd go and follow this amazing woman and join here website it's definitely worth it. 

What's the best thing about sex? 

Chrissy: All the things. Everything. Yeah. Lots of things turn me on so its too hard to list them 

JJ: I can understand that trust me haha. What really turns you on? 

Chrissy: hmmm...Ladies, Lingerie, Stockings, Latex, High heels.

JJ: Well I'm pretty sure seeing you on any of those would be a turn on to the rest of us haha. 

My favourite question. What's your favourite film? 

Chrissy: I've got a few actually. Ghostbusters, Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy and Existenz. 

JJ: I've actually not see Existenz. It's now on my to watch list. The other two are classics though. 

Where is your favourite place to go on holiday? 

Chrissy: Anywhere with a beach and I'm more than happy. 

JJ: I'm a beach guy usually. Nothing better than lying by the pool with a drink and the sun haha 

Tell me one thing about yourself that I wouldn't know just by looking at you? 

Chrissy: I'm actually a very shy person until I get to know you, which is surprising in my line of work. 

What's been the biggest achievement in your life or work? 

Chrissy: I'm working on that at the moment so keep a close eye on me in the near future. 

JJ: Oh I'm sure we'll all be keeping an eye on you hehe. 

What's been the biggest thing you've had to overcome? 

Chrissy: I have Panic attacks. Prozac is wonderful.

JJ: Well I'm glad you've got them under control. I imagine they are a nightmare to suffer with. 

What's been the best thing a fan has ever done for you? 

Chrissy: Some of them have been there for me in some pretty rough patches. When I lost my grandmother, I was totally distraught. My fans were really supportive and sweet to me. I will always be grateful.
The rest of my fans have been amazing in different ways. They chat with me on Twitter, they sign up for my site, they help out with wardrobe for shoots. It's wonderful to have these super fun pervy people in my life!

JJ: It sounds like you have an amazing relationship with your fans which I think is an amazing thing. If anyone wants to spoil Chrissy because you think she's awesome then her wishlist is

What's one bit of advice you'd give to some getting into the industry? 

Chrissy: Think it through, completely and from all sides. Be prepared for everyone in your life to find out and react to it in their own ways. Be prepared for whatever you shoot to be out there - forever. (I've seen photos of myself from 2001 - they are STILL out there.) Once you sign a release, that's it.

JJ: Great advice. It's something that can affect your life massively so you need to make sure everything is thought through properly. 

What do you think you'll do once you leave the industry? 

Chrissy: Gardening. Photography. Those are two of my favorite things.

JJ: Ooooh I wouldn't have taken you for a gardener. I love finding out little bits like that. 

Finally, what's the weirdest rumour you've heard about yourself? 

Chrissy: I've heard that people think I'm stuck up. (I'm not. I'm painfully shy and have massive social anxiety.)
The other was when someone thought I was too stupid to drive or had never learned how. I know how to drive. BUT. My eyes are so bad that it is no longer safe for me to drive. My depth perception is terrible.

JJ: That's a good example of people starting rumours when they haven't taken the time to get to know you. Rumours drive me crazy. 

Thank you so much for being my 100th interview. It's been an absolute pleasure to have you with us and we look forward to seeing even more of your work this year. 

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